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General anesthesia


1 month


1 to 3 months




The abdominal operation is always performed under general anesthesia and takes approximately two and a half hours, although it may take longer depending on the size of the operation.

The incision for the surgery is made from one side of the hip to the other above the mons pubis just at the level of the underwear, so that although there is a thin scar, it will be hidden.
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After surgery the patient should rest for the next 10/15 days, coinciding with the removal of stitches. Throughout a month should avoid efforts to preserve the inner suture of the muscles that take longer to heal than the skin. Under normal conditions, the patient can return to his normal routine after one month. However, to fully observe the results of the intervention will have to wait a year, time to desinflamarse, regain sensitivity and scars are losing the reddish appearance and are disguised.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is a tummy tuck the same as liposuction?

The problems solved by a dermolipectomy are not solved by a liposuction, since they are different interventions; in the first one the skin is cut and in the second one the fat is aspirated.

Why is a dermolipectomy necessary when there is excess skin?

Flaccidity is not solved with liposuction. It is necessary to remove excess skin and restore tension to the area. This is achieved with dermolipectomy.

Are stretch marks removed with dermolipectomy?

Although the surgery is not intended for that purpose, it is true that by removing that area of skin, we take the stretch marks with it.

Can dermolipectomy and liposuction be combined?

Yes, in most cases it is convenient to associate the abdomen dermolipectomy to the waist liposuction, thus achieving an optimal result.

Our medical team will advise you on the treatment that best suits you, the surgical process, the possible risks and everything you need to know before facing such an important decision.