Dr. Alfredo Fernández Blanco
One month
Small upper blepharoplasty in a patient with little skin excess, performed by Dr. Fernández Blanco with 1 month of evolution.
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Ptosis palpebral congénita. Paciente afectada de una debilidad del músculo elevador del párpado superior derecho que interfería la visión normal por ese ojo. Se intervino hace dos años para acortar la longitud del MEP. El resultado se mantiene consiguiendo casi la simetría completa y sobretodo habiendo solucionado el problema que le causaba la tapa de la pupila en su parte superior. Dr Fernández Blanco con 3 meses de evolución.
Round eye: In this case a white band is seen under the iris, when it is equal to or less than 1 mm, it is temporary; but if it is larger, it is evidence of excessive skin resection.
Ectopia: Occurs when the lower eyelid is droopy and slightly everted and is caused by an excess of skin resection. To treat it is necessary to perform a skin graft with which an acceptable aesthetic result is achieved.
Hematoma: It is the accumulation of blood that occurs when a vessel bleeds after surgery. It is usually necessary to evacuate it surgically.
Epiphora Tearing: It occurs when there is some irritation factor (thread), or an exposure keratitis (drying of the cornea), sometimes due to an infectious conjunctivitis, in all three cases it resolves easily. It can also occur due to an alteration in the tear ducts, generally of inflammatory origin and transitory character.
It is usually performed in combination with other surgical procedures such as facelift.
Yes, the eye regains its luminosity and the exhausted appearance associated with eyelid aging disappears.
No, to achieve this result it must be associated with a brow and cheek lift treatment.
No, sometimes it is impossible to remove all the excess skin, to avoid the "round eye" effect. Dark circles are pigments deposited at this level that require a different treatment.
Blepharoplasty does not change the shape of the eye, for this it is necessary to raise the external angle of the eye through an additional surgical procedure called canthopexy.
Our medical team will advise you on the treatment that best suits you, the surgical process, the possible risks and everything you need to know before facing such an important decision.