Dra. Andrea De La Puente

Immediate result

Rhinomodelation with hyaluronic acid by Dr. De La Puente with immediate results.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the hyaluronic acid of a rhinomodelation last?

As a general rule, the result lasts from 6 to 18 months. It depends on the type of filler material used and little by little it degrades naturally in the body and the results begin to diminish.

Will I be able to sleep on my stomach after rhinoplasty?

To prevent the hyaluronic acid from shifting, it is advisable to sleep on your back for the first 2 or 3 days, trying, with a pillow, to elevate your head in order to control the normal swelling that occurs during the night.

Can rhinomodelation be combined with other treatments?

Yes, you could for example have an anti-wrinkle treatment such as thread lift or lip augmentation. You should still trust the medical team and the process who will always help you make the right decision for you.

Differences between rhinomodeling and rhinoplasty?

The goal of both procedures is to change the appearance of the nose. But it is true that they are completely different. First of all you should get information from your doctor and let him advise you on which technique is the most suitable for you.
In the event that you are considering a rhinoplasty and wish to have a rhinomodeling prior "to see how it would look like", it is important to mention that at a surgical level, it is not the same to work on virgin tissues that tissues that have been affected by fillers. Therefore, our recommendation is that in case you wish to have a rhinoplasty, you should discard the rhinomodeling treatment.

Can a rhinomodelation reduce the nose?

No, it is not possible to reduce the size of the nose with rhinoplasty. For this it is necessary to modify the bone structure and take into account the type of skin (as in the case of thick skin). For these cases a nose surgery or rhinoplasty is always necessary.

Our medical team will advise you on the treatment that best suits you, the surgical process, the possible risks and everything you need to know before facing such an important decision.