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Local or general anesthesia


10 days


2 months




An eyelid surgery can last from 30 min to 1h and 15 min. Upper blepharoplasty and canthoplasty do not require hospitalization and can be performed in our clinics under local anesthesia. Lower blepharoplasty requires general anesthesia and is therefore performed in the hospital on an outpatient basis.
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In the first 48 hours after surgery, the area will present inflammation and possible hematoma that will recover in the following two weeks. The stitches will be removed seven days after surgery. It will be necessary to apply cold on the eyelids (ice) to reduce edema and bruising. The patient can lead a normal life using sunglasses, cap, etc. or a sunscreen for the first few days to avoid sun damage caused by the sun on the scars.
Siluetas posoperatorio | Clínica FB

Frequently Asked Questions

What risks are assumed in blepharoplasty?

Round eye: In this case a white band is seen under the iris, when it is equal to or less than 1 mm, it is temporary; but if it is larger, it is evidence of excessive skin resection.

Ectopia: Occurs when the lower eyelid is droopy and slightly everted and is caused by an excess of skin resection. To treat it is necessary to perform a skin graft with which an acceptable aesthetic result is achieved.

Hematoma: It is the accumulation of blood that occurs when a vessel bleeds after surgery. It is usually necessary to evacuate it surgically.

Epiphora Tearing: It occurs when there is some irritation factor (thread), or an exposure keratitis (drying of the cornea), sometimes due to an infectious conjunctivitis, in all three cases it resolves easily. It can also occur due to an alteration in the tear ducts, generally of inflammatory origin and transitory character.

Can blepharoplasty be performed in combination with other surgeries?

It is usually performed in combination with other surgical procedures such as facelift.

Does the tired look disappear?

Yes, the eye regains its luminosity and the exhausted appearance associated with eyelid aging disappears.

Are crow's feet removed?

No, to achieve this result it must be associated with a brow and cheek lift treatment.

Do all lower eyelid wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes disappear?

No, sometimes it is impossible to remove all the excess skin, to avoid the "round eye" effect. Dark circles are pigments deposited at this level that require a different treatment.

Can you achieve almond-shaped eyes?

Blepharoplasty does not change the shape of the eye, for this it is necessary to raise the external angle of the eye through an additional surgical procedure called canthopexy.

Our medical team will advise you on the treatment that best suits you, the surgical process, the possible risks and everything you need to know before facing such an important decision.