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In facial lipofilling a small amount of fat is needed. The fat to be infiltrated in the face must be extracted by liposuction (from the donor area) with very fine cannulas so that the product obtained is almost liquid and does not form lumps when infiltrated, especially in the eyelid area. The magnitude of the surgery will depend on the liposuction needed for the lipofilling. In the case of the face, hospitalization is not necessary. In the case of the face, the procedure usually takes about an hour.

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Lipofilling is a minimally invasive surgery, whose recovery is usually quick since it is not a very aggressive procedure. Recovery has more to do with the liposuction performed in the process than with the lipofilling itself. The patient returns to daily activities, in the case of lipofilling, two or three days after the intervention when the swelling has disappeared. In lipofilling the results are seen after the immediate postoperative period (one and a half months) and the swelling period (up to 3 months). So that after 3 months, it can be said that the definitive result is obtained and that the fat grafted in the area will behave like normal fat.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does the grafted fat remain in place?

Yes, all the fat that survived. The fat that is grafted in the area had a vascularized tissue, it was nourished. When it is extracted, it is separated from those nourishing vessels and in the area where it is placed it will live by inhibition (bone will absorb the tissues of the surrounding healthy tissue). After a few days the vascularization is reestablished and from that moment on it behaves as a normal fat.

Is fat lost over time?

Once the fat has established vascular connections to the surrounding tissue it behaves like normal fat. Therefore fat is not lost, if there is no significant weight loss.

Can liptransfer cause an allergic reaction?

No, since the fat is biocompatible as it belongs to the same patient.

Our medical team will advise you on the treatment that best suits you, the surgical process, the possible risks and everything you need to know before facing such an important decision.